Last Mile Shuttles for Vast and Varied Public Transport Pick-ups


Total of employees


Locations around the world


achieve a majority uptake on shuttle utilization


Vehicles reduced on the road

"Swoop took the huge job of our employee transportation off our hands, and project managed it in a way that made our top organizers proud.”

Chris Veaudry

Workplace & Facilities Leadw

Asana is in business to help people thrive, and we wanted to help their employees do just that by taking away all their travel worries.

As the number one software in product and project management, Asana’s technology joins the dots between goals, teams, and tasks to help companies achieve their best work every time. 

With all the work they do to help others manage their projects effectively, imagine how happy they were when we took one project off their list. And boy, what a project…

Life at Asana

Asana believes in teams. Theirs, yours, and luckily, ours. Their mission, culture, and commitment to creating a diverse, inclusive workplace lets them build a product people love and stay true to themselves.

Asana boasts an impressive track record in the world of project management software, with experience spanning back as far as 2008 (that’s a long time, especially in the world of software!). In 2021, Asana was added to Inc’s annual Best Workplace list and was named one of the Best Led companies. Fast Company ranked Asana number 15 in their most innovative companies list and they also added them to the prestigious Brands That Matter list. 

When Asana approached us to come up with an effective employee transportation solution, we were so delighted that we could only say, “*Gulp* YES!”.

The Facts

Asana has a total of 1,782 employees, based from 12 locations. We helped them to achieve a 88% majority uptake on shuttle utilization, with 8.5k of employees using the service at least once.

Asana boasts an impressive track record in the world of project management software, with experience spanning back as far as 2008 (that’s a long time, especially in the world of software!). In 2021, Asana was added to Inc’s annual Best Workplace list and was named one of the Best Led companies. Fast Company ranked Asana number 15 in their most innovative companies list and they also added them to the prestigious Brands That Matter list.

Here’s a rundown of their list of challenges and how we came up with all the bespoke answers.

A Varied Network


Asana rightly celebrates having a wide range of diversity within their team – and their spread of geographical locations was no exception. While San Francisco is served by two pretty impressive bridges, some of the employees going to work at the office every day travel over the water by ferry, while others travel by car and public transport methods like bus and train. This meant that employees reached work at different times, with some arriving late and some feeling more burnt out than others.  

Asana needed an employee transport service that could provide ‘last mile’ transport and cater to every kind of traveler and see them through the last leg of their journey. They needed a company that could consolidate routes, adapt to schedules out of employees’ control, and provide a clear overview to keep things dynamic.


Swoop has a huge network of locally based drivers with an innate knowledge of San Francisco’s city streets and transport stops, plus technical know-how to communicate vital information. We provided our client with a heat map of all the team’s termination points and then devised a streamlined, last-mile shuttle service for all modes of public transport.

To keep things straightforward and consistent, we gave Asana’s team their own dedicated employee shuttle service account manager plus 24/7 support. Not only did our guys organize everything for their guys in the beginning, but we also checked in on our performance through Swoop’s data collection feature. That way we could suggest amendments to save the client precious dollars and give them even more peace of mind. 

Over Land and Bay


Although we touched on this earlier, we want to zero in on one of the biggest challenges this client experienced: their employees were traveling on land and over water to get to work every day.

Some were out of pocket, some were arranging their own ride shares, and others were continually arriving late – and more than a little frazzled. While the team loved their jobs, Asana was in danger of losing some of its best people because of their commute to work. Something had to be done. 


For this project, Swoop was required to provide last-mile employee transportation – something we were used to doing but, with a heat map that resembled a plate of spaghetti, we had our work cut out for us!

Working closely with Asana, we gathered information on all of the transportation networks and routes to create a curated logistics program and, in the process, provide crucial employee transportation benefits that would aid staff retention. 

Thanks to our knowledgeable drivers and range of vehicle sizes and types, we were able to create collection hubs to get as many people to work on time as possible. We also instilled trust in travelers with our real-time tracking info and a seat-booking facility.

Making Asana’s Goals and Dreams Come True


At Asana, everything they do is in service of their mission: To help humanity thrive by enabling the world’s teams to work together effortlessly.


Talk about Asana’s mission being a benchmark for Swoop too! And because we take every mission to heart, we made sure to check all boxes so that Asana could fulfill their promise – not only to their customer but their beloved team:

  • Trustworthy vehicles

    Safe, comfortable, and accessible vehicles for everyone

  • Consolidated scheduling

    Via technology that drivers, users, and administrative teams can access whenever they need to

  • Structure communications

    With a strategic comms campaign, we encouraged the whole workforce to sign up for their new transport scheme for maximum ridership and value

  • Performance monitoring

    We can all see how the service is going and importantly, Asana can make any changes they need to

  • Enhancing sustainability

    All of our vehicles are already on the road, they are carbon-neutral, and they will help responsible businesses like this one to reduce their carbon footprint – one ride at a time

A Smarter Way to Work


Because Asana is an online platform, it’s natural that their employees would want to get ahead of their day with some productive time en route to the office. They needed more reliable features, extra comfort, and a means to work while they traveled to base.


We tailored all of Asana’s logistics to them, with our huge range of vehicles ranging from executive SUVs to transit vans, sprinter vans, mini-coaches, and motor coaches.

Swoop also gave employees a relaxing and productive journey with amenities like secure WiFi and USB charging ports as standard. We also made sure to offer vehicles with reclining seats, air conditioning, and PA systems as and when they needed them.

It’s More than a Client, It’s a Partnership

Asana’s collaboration with Swoop is not just about us meeting their present needs. We have carved out a partnership that is dynamic enough to move and adapt to the changing times. Working with a business like this, it's about envisioning the future as we work on their current challenges.

The Swoop Way

There is a lot to think about when it comes to arranging transportation services for your business – but after one call with our friendly team, we will have everything wrapped up, so just like Asana, you can enjoy a smooth ride to the office and organize the heck out of your day.